Ajuda para rodar script no boot (autostart)

Estou tentando rodar o rsync para conectar o Onedrive, no boot do Fedora 34 Gnome, com o comando a seguir: sh -c "rclone --vfs-cache-mode writes mount \"one drive\": ~/OneDrive"

Já tentei os 3 métodos abaixo, tanto usando o comando acima, como através de um arquivo de script *.sh , contendo o mesmo. Se alguém puder me dar uma força nisso eu agradeço! Vlw


1 Systemd
This method only suitable for system running systemd
We can simply use “systemctl status” to check, if it returns a list of running services then it’s running systemd, otherwise it’s not,
there are many different ways to check too, refer to: How to: Check if the system is using/running systemd
1.1 Create a systemd start up service under “/etc/systemd/system/”
sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/teststart.service
1.2 Populate necessary contents
Description=Execute custom script on boot
1.3 Enable this service
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable teststart.service
1.4 Reboot to test
sudo reboot

2 crontab
Usually crontab jobs are executed periodically by time, we can use “@reboot” to make sure the script will be executed on system
start up/boot
1 Edit the crontab file

Edit crontab

sudo crontab -e

Add following line to the bottom of the file

@reboot /etc/customscripts/testjob.sh
2 Reboot to test
sudo reboot

3 Using /etc/rc/d/rc.local
3.1 Append the script full path to the end of the “/etc/rc.d/rc.local” file
sudo bash -c 'echo "/etc/customscripts/testjob.sh" >> /etc/rc.d/rc.local'
3.2 Reboot to test
sudo reboot